Freight cost calculator

Rail import via Xian


  1. Choose the hub of shipping from the list

  2. Insert the weight in kilograms (kg) and volume in cubic meters (m3) (for fractions use a decimal i.e. 5.55)

  3. Check the YES box to accept the EXW Terms.

  4. The obtained result shows the cost of transport based on input data in USD currency

  5. To calculate the delivery rate to final destination in Poland please use the Costs calculator Import via Warsaw

    *Rates in USD up to Warsaw depot


Rates quoted in USD and valid for neutral shipments, suitable for sea or rail transport, not subject to veterinary control. Rates quoted are valid for groupage shipments up to 20 m3. In case of bigger volumes we can prepare individual offer. Freight rate (sea) is calculated from the date of departure of the oceanic vessel from the place of shipment, and does not include local costs. Freight rate (rail) is calculated from the date of shipment departure from the place of consolidation of the container and does not include local costs. Freight rates (sea freight) W/M (1m3/1000kgs) are also minimum rates. Freight rates (railroad transport) per CBM ( 500kgs=1CBM) are also minimum rates. For the Sea Import service, rates valid to the terminal in Gdynia (BCT) or Gdansk (DTA). For "Import Rail (via Xian)" rates valid to the terminal in Warsaw or Pruszkow. DTHC included in the freight price. For services: "RAIL" and "IMPORT DIRECT TO GDANSK" shipments sent in bulk are subject to mandatory palletization, palletization cost included in THC price.

Maximum acceptable dimensions and unit weight of the shipment:
height: 225 cm

Shipments exceeding the above parameters are subject to additional acceptance before shipment. Length: 350 cm (for sea transport) / 295 cm (for rail transport)
Weight: 2500 KG

For shipments with weight to volume ratio greater than 1 to 1, a HWS surcharge of USD 30 w/m applies.

For groupage services with USA "Gdynia Sea Freight" the following surcharges apply to each shipment:

AES USD 65.-
VGM USD 15.-
Export CFS Receiving Fee USD 10.- W/M (MAX USD 40.-)

Additional Charges at Sea and Railway Service:

Import/Transfer Customs Clearance - PLN 230.- (bis PLN 20.-)
Distribution costs are calculated on the basis of delivery calculator for sea transport from Gdynia and for railroad transport from Warsaw.
In case of IMO dangerous shipments we do individual pricing.

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